Bored, Bored, Bored
Yesterday I drove 60 miles for entertainment. Sat in a smoke-filled casino throwing money away, and thinking. It's so bizarre to be bored. I simply must take up a new hobby. Any suggestions?
My father always told me that humans only have two ambitions -- eating and breeding. Through a curse of fate (no fault of my own, obviously) I have been doomed to living among the mortals for a span of time. According to Fate (who incidentally has no sense of humor), I have "much to learn." These are the chronicles of my observations.
Ahhhhh Money throwing at the Casino is MY idea of a good time. What about a bookstore or movie? Im kinda Got here via AZA's blog, I have a sister named name!
Thank you for the ideas and tha name compliment. I can take no credit for the name, it was a "gift" of my father. Glad to meet ya!
Crochet? :)
I spend my spare time reading (mostly either horror or comedy). I have found that I have an untaped talent for putting coins in vending machines, so I do my best to avoid them at all costs.
Oddly I turned to blogging to get rid of some excess boredom that was giving me much to much time to think on things better left alone.
Boredom beaters? Reading, writing, blogging but my all time fav #1 boredom killer... Fantasy. It also keeps me alive and happy some days.
Is this kinda like flying 1200 miles, then driving around 300 miles for entertainment?? ;)
P-Bomb post is up!
Go to art gallery openings. Free bozz, plus, if you throw away some money, at least you can take it home with you.
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